The Cardinal Cross Climax

The Cardinal Cross Climax
April 21-24

What’s Katniss Eberdine and Jake Sulley Got to do With it?

Many are asking me questions about the Astrological planetary Cardinal Cross Climax. What is it and what does it mean? Cardinal Crosses occur when the outer planets move into Cardinal signs and have reached aspects that are traditionally representative of great movement and change on a global scale. These planetary aspects shake things up politically and economically, thereby affecting each of us personally.

Whether you are familiar with the term “Cardinal Climax or not, you are likely feeling it, and know intuitively that change is occurring on many deep levels. Our beautiful mother, Gaia is going through a massive metamorphosis during our lifetime, reflecting unprecedented earth changes and events. For many, there is a sense of doom and loss of hope. Simultaneously, for many others, there is anticipated enthusiasm for regeneration and renewal. Researchers and present day spiritual leaders are persistently presenting us with ancient and modern day evidence that implies we are undergoing a “great human awakening”.

Before we delve more deeply into the meaning of the “Cardinal Cross a couple of definitions may be helpful. Let’s begin with an understanding of Cardinal signs. Ancient Astrologers considered the Cardinal signs to be the movable signs associated with the changing of the seasons when the Sun made its journey into Aries (Spring Equinox), Cancer (Summer Solstice), Libra (Fall Equinox) and Capricorn (Winter Solstice). A planetary Cardinal Cross occurs in the heavens when the slower moving planets occupy the different Cardinal signs.

The Cardinal Cross aspect was activated on March 2, 2014 when Mars moved into Libra and began making a challenging aspect to Uranus in Aires, Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter in Cancer. This Cardinal conflict of cosmic energy is expected to be very intense for not just a few, but all of humanity.This intensity does not mean doom or gloom, but is an indicator of the imperative changes needing to occur on a collective level. That said, you may have surmised by now that this Cardinal celestial signature will have a more direct and personal affect on those with Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn planets in their horoscopes.Cardinal people can be dynamic leaders with a strong sense of purpose or destiny and are not afraid to try new things. There are many wonderful gifts that our Cardinal sisters and brothers offer us and this will be the time to take notice.

Taking notice is something you will not be able to avoid, as it is likely you will continue to witness battles of will during this period. We are also witnessing intense changes on an economic level globally; in fact, the last time there was a similar Cardinal Cross aspect was during the U.S.Great Depression of 1929-33. When any system collapses, it can provide an opportunity for those affected to bring about justice and a sense of order and balance out of chaos.

It is up to each of us during these unprecedented times to take responsibility to restore balance and harmony where we can. Many of you may have heard that sequels to the movie Avatar are in the making. Considered by critics to be a huge risk, Avatar instead broke numerous records as the highest grossing film ever produced. What is its appeal and why is it so wildly popular? Movies tend to reflect our current state of mass consciousness and the title “Avatar” itself is an obvious collective message. An avatar, according to Eastern spiritual teachings, is a teacher who comes to earth to restore dharma, to balance good versus evil. Similarly, the protagonists, Jake Sulley, and Katniss Everdeen of the Hunger Games, listened to their hearts and chose the pursuit of justice. Films like these are good examples of our current culture’s integration of the Cardinal Cross energy.

Justice can only be pursued by following our hearts and not our heads, and through honoring the ancient wisdom that all life forms sustain each other in one harmonious, unified energy field. This is an especially important time to focus on solutions, remain optimistic and continue to cultivate love and compassion for all sentient beings.

Change is an inside job, therefore…

“Be the change that you want to see in the world.”
Mohandas Gandhi

Copyright 2014 by Linda Kaye

Passionate, Action-Oriented Mars turns Retrograde

Passionate Action-Oriented Mars turns Retrograde
in the sign of Libra

March 2—May 18, 2014

It’s not your job to like me…it’s MINE! ~Byron Katie

2014 has kicked off the year in retrograde motion; it began with Venus retrograde in the sign of Capricorn and no sooner than Venus turned direct, Mercury went retrograde. Thankfully—as I’m sure most of you would agree—Mercury finally turned direct on February 28. Most of the planets retrograde several times a year, but Mars only turns retrograde approximately once every two years, and Venus once every 18 months. I am often asked, “What exactly does it mean when a planet is retrograde?” Retrograding planets appear to move backwards from our point on Earth, as they orbit around the Sun. However, they don’t really move backward, but rather move at an apparent backward speed from our Earth-centered perspective at certain times of the year.

Mars is the planet of passionate, outward action and manifestation. Therefore, from an Astrological perspective, retrograde Mars will promote a period of introspection. Mars is traveling alongside the North Node of the Moon in the sign of Libra which is associated with hearing and listening and is considered to be the relationship sign of the zodiac. This Mars retrograde period will be an important time to evaluate our relationships, including the relationship we have to ourselves. If our inner dialogue does not speak of self-love and self-worth, then our outer relationships will suffer.

Many of our spiritual leaders advocate a practice of considered response versus impulsive reaction to situations and people in our lives and this Mars retrograde in Libra is the perfect time to seriously contemplate and implement this important philosophy. This period will provide an opportune time to examine our egotistic actions and make appropriate adjustments where necessary.

Key Phrases for Mars Retrograde:
Return to my center “core” self.
Examine my ego-based actions.
Learn to listen more closely to my inner vs. outer based desires.
Create considered response vs. impulsive action.
Seek to develop deeper levels of harmony in all my relationships.

Copyright 2014 by Linda Kaye

Setting Intentions Based on the Pisces New Moon

Setting Intentions Based on the Pisces New Moon
February 28, 2014 – 11:59 p.m. PT
10 degrees and 39 minutes of Pisces

The New Moon is a time of new beginnings and rebirth. It is an opportune time to set intentions for new life directions or the beginning of new projects. This is the best time of the month to plant positive thoughts in the subconscious mind with affirmations, auspicious chants, and visualizations.

Inspiration, hope, and support flourish during these next couple of days for those seeking spiritual, emotional, or mental liberation of any kind. This is likely to be a particularly enlightening New Moon because it occurs in the intuitive sign of Pisces and makes an auspicious aspect to wisdom-oriented Jupiter. Because the Sun, Moon, Chiron and Neptune are all traversing the sign of Pisces in the fourth house of the New Moon horoscope you can expect hidden areas of your psyche to become more active during these next few days and weeks.

As you may recall from my Chiron in Pisces article, Pisces is the watery zodiac sign that seeks to dissolve all separating desires in order to unite with divine. It is through the artistic and soulful expression of Piscean energies that we can each experience the true essence of the all-pervading consciousness that exists within everything. Because Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac it also represents culminations.

Under this important New Moon, it is beneficial to take the time out of your busy schedule to ask yourself a couple of essential questions:
1) What is separating me from my truest expression of my divine self?
2) What might I need to culminate in my life so I can align to my higher nature?

Once you’ve answered these questions, take time to create intentions that will lead you into a closer relationship with your highest goals. Lastly, Pisces is one of two healing constellations of the zodiac (Virgo is the other.) Healing is an important consideration when planets are highlighting one or both of these constellations. This New Moon in Pisces can help illuminate any healing work that might need to occur in order for you to connect to your heart’s truest desires. Pisces also represents the dreamtime. Therefore, pay close attention to your dreams to provide additional guidance over the next couple of days.

Copyright 2014 by Linda Kaye

Full Wolf Moon

Full Wolf Moon
Wed., Jan. 15th – 8:51 p.m. PT
26 degrees and 58 minutes of Cancer

The first Full Moon of the year is known as the Wolf Moon by the Native people because the wolf packs howled hungrily outside their snow laden villages. Our brothers and sisters of the stars are known by the Native peoples as the Great Star Nation, and wolves are represented by the Dog Star, Sirius, which many Astrologers and ancient cultures believe is the original home of our teachers from ancient times.Sirius was also known to be the home of the gods by the ancient Egyptians and is still considered so by the Dogon tribe in Africa.

The Moon is a power ally for the wolf as its senses are very keen. The Moon is also a symbol for psychic energy, and the unconscious that holds the secrets of all knowledge and wisdom.The Full Moon in January is an auspicious time to access this inner wisdom because it falls in the watery sign of the crab– Cancer.Cancer is the Astrological sign associated with our inner versus outer world.Therefore, this is a great time to set intentions for creating more balance between your inner and outer life.

When the Moon is in Cancer the Sun is in Capricorn. These two opposite signs are seeking balance between outer world responsibilities of social, political and career interest and inner world security of family, home and self. This first Full Moon of 2014 is joining auspicious Jupiter while making challenging aspects to Uranus and Mars. What does this mean? Go within, seek your personal truth, and then take action and make the necessary changes that bring you into full alignment with your core essence.

The Wolf Moon is a reminder to all of us to empower the sacred being within and to awaken to the great spiritual unfolding occurring at this time in our history.

“Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakes.” ~Carl Jung

Copyright 2014 by Linda Kaye

Your Destiny & Today’s Lunar Eclipse

Friday, May 24 – 9:24 p.m.
Four Degrees – Eight Minutes of Sagittarius
Occurs over the Americas

Our destiny changes with our thought; we shall become what we wish to become, do what we wish to do, when our habitual thought corresponds with our desire. ~ Orison Swett Marden

Lasting 33 minutes and 45 seconds in duration, tonight will mark the end of the first eclipse season of 2013. Although it is sure to be felt, because this is an appulse eclipse, it will not be visible. It is also occurring during the third of seven exact Uranus-Pluto squares and destined to assist in the continuation of much needed change—individually, as well as collectively.

Awareness to your individual past patterning, as well as your soul’s current destiny, is one of the many gifts Astrology offers. When you feel stuck and not able to create movement in your life, you have likely become too comfortable with the security of past familiarity. Therefore, discomfort will become more intense in order to instigate movement into a new way of interacting in life. During important Eclipse periods such as this one, the universe is encouraging us to awaken to our individual and collective destinies.

The theme for this final eclipse of the season is one of communication; with a special emphasis on truth versus belief. Along with Jupiter–the ruling planet of this eclipse–Venus, Mercury and the Sun are all transiting in the sign of Gemini. This stellium of Gemini planets is creating an intense emphasizes on thinking and communicating with mindfulness. Lastly, the planet Neptune is making a challenging aspect to this eclipse and stressing the need to heal what is keeping us from our true nature.

Following are a few questions you may want to ponder during this eclipse:

What are your individual beliefs at this moment in time?
What stories have you created or fabricated about your reality?
Are your thoughts and communication reflecting your individual destiny—your personal truth?

If yes, wonderful! If not, this eclipse is an opportunity to acknowledge that which no longer serves you so you can move into proper alignment with your innate wisdom—truth consciousness!

We are not here on earth to change our destiny, but to fulfill it. ~Guy Finely

The energies of an eclipse can be felt a couple of days before and after an eclipse. The ancient sages believed that eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between earth and the heavens is thinner during an eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence.


Related Astrological Articles
Scorpio Lunar Eclipse
Taurus Solar Eclipse
Uranus Squares Pluto

Copyright 2013 by Linda Kaye

Self Love & the Taurus Solar Eclipse

Thursday, May 9, 5:28 pm PT
Nineteen Degrees – Thirty-one Minutes of Taurus
Visible primarily from Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia.

“You are here to enable the Divine Purpose of the Universe to unfold. That is how important you are.”  ~Eckhart Tolle

2013 will mark the occurrence of five eclipses in one year: three lunar and two solar. The first eclipse—a partial lunar eclipse—occurred on April 25 in the sign of Scorpio. On May 9, an annular solar eclipse will occur in Taurus and the final eclipse of this noteworthy trio will occur in Sagittarius on May 24. Be sure and watch for important upcoming communication on this third eclipse and its significance as it occurs during the powerful Uranus-Pluto squares. Lastly, the final two eclipses of 2013 will occur in October and November.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon travels between the Sun and the Earth and therefore casts its shadow blocking the view of the Sun from Earth. During an annular solar eclipse (ring of fire) the Moon’s shadow blocks out part of the Sun’s light creating a ring of fiery bright sunlight that will blaze around the Moon’s circumference. In fact, “annulus” in Latin means “little ring.” This eclipse will be visible from northern Australia and the southern Pacific Ocean, and visible for a maximum of six minutes and three seconds.

Eclipses help you to create shifts in your life and encourage you to let go of old patterns that no longer serve you. They work on three levels: personal, collective and ultimately, the integration of both. Where there is inner uncertainty, an eclipse will encourage you to seek clarity and transformation. Pay close attention to the revelations occurring in your life during this powerful eclipse month.

Mars, Mercury, the Sun, Moon and Pallas Athena are all in the sign of Taurus during this solar eclipse—that’s a lot of Taurus energy! Pallas Athena’s presence is a powerful influence because she conjuncts this eclipse exactly. Archetypically, she is recognized as a hero, or warrior goddess and seeker of justice. The myths tell us that she was born from Zeus’ forehead—a depiction of her innate wisdom and ability to strategize. In general, Taurus represents the material and spiritual realms. From a material perspective it is the sign that correlates security with survival – what brings us security, or allows us to feel secure, will promote our survival. Spiritually, Taurus represents the divine and sacred mysteries. Taurus is connected to the inner side of Venus marking this an auspicious time to turn inward and focus on one’s connection with self and the divine spark within.

Venus is also the planet ruling this Taurus eclipse. Synonymous with LOVE, when associated with Taurus, Venus asks us to cultivate a loving relationship with our inner self. During this eclipse Venus is making two important planetary aspects: a conjunction to Jupiter, the expansive philosophical planet of truth consciousness and a challenging aspect to Neptune, the planetary body associated with healing. These two aspects may initiate the unveiling of outmoded belief systems that need your conscious attention and commitment to change. This is a favorable time to question your intimate relationship dynamics. What do you truly value and how do you love others based on your values? Expect this period to bring about inner revelations about how you love yourself and love others. Most importantly, if you currently believe that your security comes from external resources then now is an excellent time to contemplate and initiate new intentions for the following:

    • To appreciate beauty and the finer things in life without my desired need to possess or own.
    • To display self-worth that radiates inner security regardless of my financial status.
    • To honor and nurture my individual gifts and values.
    • To love myself unconditionally.

“Scarcity of self value cannot be remedied by money, recognition, affection, attention or influence.” ~Gary Zukav

The energies of an eclipse can be felt a couple of days before and after an eclipse. The ancient sages believed that eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between earth and the heavens is thinner during an eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence.

Related Astrological Articles
Scorpio Lunar Eclipse
Uranus Squares Pluto

Copyright 2013 by Linda Kaye

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