by Linda Kaye | Dec 23, 2011 | 2011, Archived Astro News
December 24, 10:06 a.m. PT
02 degrees and 34 minutes of Capricorn
This last New Moon of 2011 marks the ending of another extraodinary Astrological year! Anticipate joyful expanded awarness with a stunning aspect to fun-loving philosophical Jupiter. Expect the unexpected as the planet Uranus is joining this planetary party and sure to mix things up through Christmas day. Falling in the sign of Capricorn, this New Moon will join the powerful force of Pluto. Be prepared to feel or witness others expressive emotions which could promote tense holiday moments.
Despite the serious Capricorn tone, the aspects to this final lunation cycle of 2011 are supportive. New Moons encourage us to initiate new beginnings. With Pluto’s transformative influence you are given an auspicious opportunity to change your perspective, and therefore change your reality. This New Moon in Capricorn is encouraging you to take responsibility, control any emotions that lead to dark places (Pluto) and redirect them to positive new opportunities—Jupiter. When you step out of “Capricorn fear” and into “Pluto self-empowerment” you can gain abundant opportunities.
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.” – Wayne Dyer
I have written and presented Astrological, spiritual and scientific information on the individual and collective changes occurring on our beautiful planet for quite some time now. Every day we are witness to the continuation of an unstoppable and unprecedented global mass awakening. This awakening is an assurance of many more exciting changes to come that will require conscious, peaceful collaboration from each of us. Astrologically, this month—December 2011—is an especially important time to meditate and come together in love, prayer, and sacred ceremony for the celebration of life and the invocation of peace on Earth.
Wishing each of you abundant love, peace and prosperity during this holiday season and coming New Year.
Linda Kaye
Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Dec 19, 2011 | 2011, Archived Astro News
Tuesday, December 21st, 12:13am – PT
Twenty-Nine degrees – Twenty minutes of Gemini
This Winter Solstice initiates a phenomenal ending to a dynamic Astrological year! 2010 concludes with a rare eclipse known as the Christmas lunar eclipse occurring on the Winter Solstice. The last total lunar eclipse occurred almost three years ago in February of 2008 and this Christmas eclipse will be the first total lunar eclipse to occur on the day of the Winter Solstice since 1638, and only the second in the Common Era.
Visible to observers in North America and Western South America, this eclipse’s total phase will last 72 minutes. The Moon will be near the zenith for observers in southern California and Baja Mexico at the moment of its maximum eclipse.
Endings are especially emphasized as 2010 comes to a close under this powerful eclipse. Lunar eclipses always occur under a Full Moon and this Full Moon is once again occurring at the critical 29 degree point. As you may recall, a planet at 29 degrees emphasizes the ending of a cycle. As the Moon also represents cycles, lunar eclipses are a time to look at what is no longer working in your life. It is a time to initiate endings and explore new prospects. This will be true for all of us, but especially for those who have Cancer or Capricorn planets in their horoscope because these are the two zodiacal signs in which the eclipses fall.
Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini and is retrograde at the center of our Galaxy during this Full Moon. The center of our Galaxy is associated with spiritual wisdom and truth consciousness. Therefore, with Mercury retrograde at this central point we are encouraged to question any beliefs that are limiting us and to seek our personal truth. Pluto – the God of the underworld – and Mars – the warrior God of action – are both closely aligned with this eclipse. Eclipses create a temporary shadow and Pluto and Mar’s influence can surprise us with powerful and dormant emotions rising to the surface.
Coinciding with earth changes, political upheavals and stock market fluctuations, eclipses can become powerful indicators of needed transformation in our personal lives. Lunar energies govern domestic matters, the feminine principal and the water element. These energies encourage us to examine our emotions, and create and hold intentions for change in our lives. For this reason, eclipses, as well as New and Full Moons are particularly potent times to meditate or perform ritual and ceremony.
The ancient sages felt that eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between earth and the heavens is thinner during an eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence.
The energies of an eclipse can be felt a couple of days before and after an eclipse. Eclipses always occur in pairs and the second, a partial solar eclipse, will occur on January 4th, 2011 during the New Moon in Capricorn, watch for these details in my next Astro-Gram.
Copyright 2010 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Dec 10, 2011 | 2011, Archived Astro News
Total Lunar Eclipse
Saturday, December 10, 6:36 am – PT
Eighteen degrees – Ten minutes of Gemini
Early Saturday morning will herald the final Eclipse of 2011. This last Eclipse and the Winter Solstice on December 21 will mark the end of a powerful and amazing Astrological year!
It will be partially visible to observers in North America on the West Coast and will last 61 minutes. The Moon will be near the zenith for observers in Alaska and British Colombia at the moment of its maximum Eclipse.
Endings are especially emphasized as 2011 comes to a close under this powerful energy.Lunar eclipses always occur under a Full Moon and are a time to look at what is no longer working in your life. It is a time to initiate endings and explore new prospects. This will be true for all of us, but especially for those who have Gemini or Sagittarius planets in their horoscope because these are the two zodiacal signs in which this Eclipse falls.
Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini and is currently retrograde in Sagittarius, the sign connected with the center of our Galaxy. The center of our Galaxy is associated with spiritual wisdom and truth consciousness. Therefore, with Mercury retrograde at this zodiac sign we are encouraged to question any beliefs that are limiting us and to seek our personal truth. Mars – the warrior god of action – is producing a challenging atmosphere under this eclipse. Eclipses create temporary shadows and under Mars’ combatant influence we may be surprised when revelations instigate heated emotional disputes. In this case, Mars may also cause a lack of motivation and energy—a great time to become internal and contemplative.
Coinciding with earth changes, political upheavals and stock market fluctuations, Eclipses can become powerful indicators of needed transformation in our personal lives.Lunar energies govern domestic matters, the feminine principal and the water element. These energies encourage us to examine our emotions, and create and hold intentions for change in our lives. For this reason, Eclipses, as well as New and Full Moons, are particularly potent times to meditate or perform ritual and ceremony.
The energies of an Eclipse can be felt a few days before and after an occurrence and the ancient sages believed eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between Earth and the heavens is thinner during an eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence.
I have written and presented Astrological, spiritual and scientific information on the individual and collective changes occurring on our beautiful planet for quite some time now. Every day we are witness to the continuation of an unstoppable and unprecedented global mass awakening. This awakening is an assurance of many more exciting changes to come that will require conscious, peaceful collaboration from each of us. Astrologically, this month—December 2011—is an especially important time to meditate and come together in love, prayer, and sacred ceremony for the celebration of life and the invocation of peace on Earth.
Wishing each of you abundant love, peace and prosperity during this holiday season and coming New Year.
Linda Kaye
Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Nov 10, 2011 | 2011, Archived Astro News
Thursday, November 10, 2011, 12:05 p.m. PT
This month’s Full Moon occurs at 18° of Taurus and is a prelude to the much anticipated 11.11.11 date. Full Moons illuminate the subconscious realms of the human psyche and highlight the areas symbolized by the zodiac signs and planetary aspects. The strength of this month’s Full Moon is sure to be powerful as it falls in the sign of the bull the day before 11.11.11.
Astrologically, Taurus represents the material and spiritual realms. From a material perspective it is the sign that correlates security with survival – what brings us security, or allows us to feel secure, will promote our survival. When the Moon is in Taurus, we can find ourselves wanting to enjoy and relax within the sensual and material realms that we have created. Spiritually, Taurus represents the divine and sacred mysteries. Taurus is ruled by the inner side of Venus marking this an auspicious time to turn inward and focus on one’s connection with self and the divine spark within.
Venus is synonymous with LOVE and when associated with Taurus she is asking us to cultivate a loving relationship with our inner self. Neptune, the planetary body associated with healing, is making a challenging aspect to this Full Moon. This aspect may unveil previously buried emotional dynamics that need our attention and likely our commitment to healing.
And lastly, have you observed the bright planetary body next to the Moon the past couple of nights? Along with the Moon, Jupiter is also traveling through the sign of Taurus. Because the Astrological planet Jupiter is most associated with expansion, abundance and wisdom, this Full Moon will be an auspicious time to evaluate one’s use of the Earth’s natural resources—Taurus. Taurus is the zodiac sign associated with responsibility of personal income, and one’s overall approach to money. With this in mind it is interesting to note that “Occupy Wall Street” gained its momentum during Jupiter’s journey through Taurus. Let us each be part of this revolution by using our personal resources consciously.
We have an economy that tells us it is cheaper to destroy earth in real time rather than renew, restore, and sustain it. You can print money to bail out a bank, but you can’t print life to bail out a planet – Paul Hawken
Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Oct 24, 2011 | 2011, Archived Astro News
Wednesday, October 26, 2011, 12:57 p.m. PDT
3 degrees and 3 minutes of Scorpio
This month’s New Moon in Scorpio ushers in an annual and auspicious celestial event known by the Hindus as Diwali or The Festival of the Lights. It is a time of celebration and lighting of lamps to honor the light of consciousness that exists within. Diwali also marks the beginning of a new financial year. Households and businesses begin new accounting ledgers dedicated to the Divine Mother and Lakshmi—the Goddess of Fortune—who is specifically honored during Diwali.
This New Moon is a favorable time to rejoice in your meditations and request that the many Goddesses of Grace and Good Fortune, (Venus, Aphrodite, and Lakshmi,) bestow their gifts of inner awareness and abundance into your life through love, peace, and harmony.
Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Oct 10, 2011 | 2011, Archived Astro News
Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 7:06 p.m. PDT
18 degrees and 24 minutes of Aries
This Year’s Harvest Full Moon occurs in Aries on October 11th at 10:06 pm EDT/7:06 pm PDT.
New and Full Moons, equinoxes and solstices – as well as other significant celestial events – provide an opportunity to consciously embrace powerful universal energies. Astrologically, 2011 has thus far proven a year of potent planetary aspects. These events are reflected in what indigenous cultures are calling the “Shift of the Ages“. This “shift” is a transition of human consciousness; a transition from the individual “I” to a collective awareness that we are each energetically connected to the universal whole.
The Harvest Moon is the Full Moon that occurs closest to the fall equinox. In the sign of Aries it is opposite the Sun in Libra and therefore highlights the Libra-Aries axis of the cardinal cross.You may remember that the cardinal cross is forecasting great change and the current Harvest Moon is emphasizing what the native elders are implying is essential during this great transition – partnership! We are being asked to embrace and support one another and to restore balance within, so we can sustain our relationships, especially the relationship with our planet.
Libra is the Astrological sign concerned with harmony, love, and balance within partnership; and Aries is most identified with aspects concerning freedom, independence, and self. How do we integrate these two seemingly opposites and find balance?
Integration of the Aries-Libra archetypes requires that we learn when it is appropriate to give and when it is not. Some of us were taught to believe that giving would secure love – Libra. When we give more than we receive, we sabotage the love we are seeking due to a false belief that receiving is somehow selfish – Aries. The balancing of the Aries and Libra archetypes is a conscious and harmonious dance with self and other.
We are each being called to cultivate supportive sustainable partnership in new and creative ways. The Harvest Moon reminds us to honor our most primal basic relationship – our relationship with Gaia. The harvesting of our bounty cannot occur unless we are in right relationship with the Mother that sustains us.
Go outdoors under the light of this powerful Harvest Moon and celebrate! Honor your bounty and give thanks during this season of gratitude.
Copyright 2011 by Linda Kaye