The Alchemical Power of Your Heart and the Leo New Moon

The Alchemical Power of Your Heart and the Leo New Moon

Thursday, July 28, 2022
10:54 a.m. Pacific Time
5°38′ Leo

You don’t have to rev up your creativity. It’s exactly the opposite.
It’s about dropping into your authenticity. To feel your own heart
of hearts and breathe life into your deep wisdom.
~ Dr. Sue Morter

As July culminates, the fireworks turn alchemical! That’s because this month’s fiery New Moon in Leo is activating powerful heart-centered shifts! Why? Because 1) astrologically, the heart is Leo’s domain and 2) there are potent aspects occurring alongside this lunation.

Action-oriented Mars and electrically charged Uranus are both aspecting ever-changing Mercury. These aspects are active for the next couple of days, during which, unforeseen and/or uncomfortable circumstances could present themselves. We may also find it challenging to stay focused.

If a tricky situation does arise, we can exercise a calm heart-centered approach with the intention of alchemically transmuting any disturbances into higher wisdom. However, beware … these are powerful aspects that have the potential to ignite impulsive reaction versus heartfelt responses. They also have the ability to inspire us to actualize our creative aspirations.

Fortuitously, both the Moon and Sun are making a benefic aspect with stationing Jupiter, who’s soon to turn retrograde (see note below).  Optimistic, wise and noble, philosophical, and adventurous — Jupiter symbolizes the quest for higher ideals. If Jupiter becomes arrogant, however, ideals morph into dogma. This retrograde cycle will encourage us to revisit these areas of our own life and make any necessary adjustments.

                                     It’s time to ignite an alchemical fire
                          within our hearts and activate our creative power!

In closing, because the heart is ruled by Leo, it is important during this New Moon to set intentions that breathe life into our heart’s desires. This is essential for all of us, but especially Leos, who can develop physical heart ailments when they do not follow their hearts. The essence of our creative light and the ability to love ourselves and others exists within the center of our heart.

Leo New Moon Key Words: I Am, creative actualization, passion, purpose, leadership, romance and love affairs, generous, playfulness and the inner child, heart consciousness, pride, self-love.

Meteor Showers: The Delta Aquariids are expected to peak around midnight on July 29 and will be especially visible on a clear night during this Dark New Moon phase. They’ll be showering us with their lightshow for a couple of weeks — enjoy!  

Jupiter is “stationed” or “standing still” from our perspective here on Earth and will turn retrograde (to move backwards) on July 29 thru November 23, 2022. Currently in Aries, the gas–giant will revisit the sign of Pisces on October 27 and will remain in Pisces thru December 20.

Related Article
The Sun–Moon Lunation Cycle

© 2022 by Linda Kaye

Quantum Power with the Capricorn Super Full Moon

Quantum Power with the Capricorn Super Full Moon

Wednesday, July 13, 2022
11:37 a.m. Pacific Time
21°27′ Capricorn

The choice to be used as an instrument of love, right here, right now,
is a choice for personal empowerment.
 ~ Marianne Williamson

Full Moons are typically experienced as the most potently charged phase of the lunation cycle. Since this is a Super Full Moon (1) you can expect its reflected energies to be more heightened than a regular Full Moon, especially since it conjoins the planet related to intensity and quantum power — Pluto.

Capricorn is associated with the physical elements of time and matter — both from a Newtonian as well as a quantum perspective.(2) The opposition of two these signs are always seeking integration. As the Capricorn goat strives to reach the top of the mountain, one-step-at-a-time, it often finds its success during critical juncture points of both physical and emotional maturation.

To shift your life in a desired direction,
you must powerfully shift your subconscious.
~ Kevin Michel

Astrologically, the Moon represents our subconscious and internal emotional nature and the Sun our external passion and direction. Because the Sun is traveling through the Moon’s sign — Cancer, while conjoining the planet associated with our thought processes — Mercury, we will want to intend our thoughts towards a quantum transformation (Pluto) of any buried emotions and negative thinking that keeps us from experiencing our power and passion for life.

Capricorn is the sign associated with the themes of maturity, time, authority, the father archetype, outer-world responsibilities (career/society), control, fear, and emotional repression. Following are a few contemplative questions for this Super Full Moon:

  • Do you take on too much responsibility or do you avoid it all together?
  • Are you able to maintain your own authority or do you give away to others and feel disempowered?
  • Do you trust in a divine plan, or do you try to control your surroundings and/or the behavior and lives of others?
  • Are you a mature self-sufficient adult or do you remain dependent on others for your wellbeing?
  • Do you have faith in the flow of grace in your life or are you fearful and pessimistic?

Destructive patterns often mask deeply buried emotions. During this Super Full Moon, you can ask that any unconscious and self-sabotaging behaviors be illuminated. Once acknowledged, you can put a plan in place to make the necessary changes so you can fulfil your authentic desires of responsibility, passion, and the right use of power.

This Super Full Moon is a beautiful opportunity to take “time” to evaluate the areas of your life that may need more emotional and physical maturation before they can culminate. Be patient with yourself and enjoy your personal journey, knowing that you do not have to reach the top of the mountain in one leap.

1.  A Super Full Moon is described by Astronomers as a Perigee Moon — the point where its elliptical orbit is closest to the Earth’s surface which will allow the Moon to appear approximately 14% larger and 30% brighter than normal.
2. Quantum physicists propose that there is no such thing as the past–present Newtonian model of “time” as represented in our third-dimensional reality here on Earth and suggest that energetic waves within the quantum field allow for infinite simultaneous realities.

Related Article
The Sun–Moon Lunation Cycle

© 2022 by Linda Kaye



The Womb & the Cancer New Moon

The Womb & the Cancer New Moon

Tuesday, Jun 28, 2022
7:52 p.m. pacific time
7°22′ Cancer

Emotion arises at the place where mind and body meet.
It is the body’s reaction to your mind — or you might say,
a reflection of your mind in the body.  ~ Eckhart Tolle

The watery sign of the crab (Cancer) is ruled by the Moon herself and is associated with security, family, and our need for balance between our inner versus outer world. The Sun’s movement into Cancer (the Summer Solstice) marks the first days of summertime in the Northern Hemisphere, creating a desire for outdoor activities with family and friends, preferably in Cancer’s domain — near or in large bodies of water.

New Moons encourage us to initiate new beginnings and this month’s New Moon horoscope emphasizes themes associated with the significations of Cancer, the 7th house, and Black Moon Lilith (Lilith)1 — each making challenging aspects with Jupiter — the planet associated with law and justices.

Cancer is a feminine sign that astrologically, among other things, represents deep-rooted emotions, women, and the womb.  Lilith is a rebellious and assertive symbol that tends to emphasize challenging traits associated with her astrological significations.

In this case, with Lilith in Cancer closely conjunct the New Moon in the 7th house (court of law) square Jupiter (the law), we are currently witnessing the expression of passionate feelings (Cancer) regarding women’s rights. Additionally, the “Fire of Spirit” asteroid, Vesta, is making a supportive aspect to this New Moon and Lilith. How strong, how long, and how far will this fiery passion for justice blaze and can it be put out?

These important New Moon signatures are occurring as the Sun makes its journey through the zodiac signs of Cancer and Leo — the Dog Days of Summer — a term corresponding with the hot and sweltering days that the ancients observed when the brightest star in the heavens, Sirius, rose and set alongside our Sun.

For millennia, stars have been observed by our ancestors and regarded as having divine qualities. Native peoples deemed Sirius the “Great Star Nation” and considered it the home (Cancer) of our star brothers and sisters. Many believe that Sirius is the origin of our teachers from ancient times. Sirius was also considered the birthplace of “the gods” by the early Egyptians and is still considered as such by the Dogon tribe in Africa.

The Sun will make its exact conjunction with Sirius (14°21′ Cancer) on July 6 at 3:40 a.m. pacific time. However, the entire Dog-Days-of-Summer cycle occurs several days before and after the exact conjunction. Believed to have the ability to make the mundane sacred, Sirius is often described as our Spiritual Sun.

Astrologically, our Solar Sun rules the sign of Leo, which is associated with the heart. For eons, this annual celestial union between our Sun and Sirius has been revered for its heavenly combustion of energy and its ability to heighten Sirius’s transmission of highly charged divine energy into our Solar system. Pay close attention during this period and feel (Cancer) into your heart (Leo) and let this infusion of solar-spiritual energy awaken you to your divine potential.

Since the fiery Sun purifies and Cancerian waters cleanse, we can embrace these warm summer months as an excellent time to initiate the purification of our emotional, mental, and physical bodies. Therefore, make it a point to welcome the healing rays of the Sun and immerse yourself in water whenever you can to wash away any stagnant or pent-up energy caused by working too much or by prolonged periods indoors.

Key Cancer New Moon Themes: the womb, motherhood, women, feminine, emotional security, early conditioning, family and domestic priorities, home, intuitive, nurturing, protective of others, feelings, moody (crabby), tenacious, enjoys the water


  1. Black Moon Lilith is not a celestial body but rather a mathematical point used in astrology.
  2. Each year this occurs at a different time due to the precession of the equinoxes, whereby the celestial poles move, and all the fixed stars shift slightly from one year to the next, moving roughly 1° approximately every 72 years.

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Summer Solstice
The Sun–Moon Lunation Cycle


© 2022 by Linda Kaye


Celebration of Light: 2022 Summer Solstice

Celebration of Light: 2022 Summer Solstice

The First Day of Summer & the Longest Day of the Year

Solstice is derived from two Latin words:
Sol meaning Sun, and sistere to cause to stand still.

0° Cancer
 Tuesday, June 21 at 2:14 a.m. PDT

2022 ushers in the beginning of summer in the early morning hours of June 21th.(1) The June Solstice marks the Sun’s movement into the sign of Cancer and the longest day of the year — the beginning of summer.(2) Annually, on this day, the Sun appears to stand still as it reaches its furthest point in the Northern Hemisphere. Now, until the Winter Solstice (Dec. 21), the days will continue to grow shorter as the Sun heads south and enters Capricorn where it simultaneously joins the Southern Cross for three days to be reborn so it can resume its annual journey North, yet again.

Celebrated throughout the world, the changing of the seasons are a mystical astronomical occurrence. The movement of the Sun during the Equinoxes and Solstices, and many other celestial events, have been recorded for millennium at countless ancient sacred sites. One powerful Solstice example is that of the Sun’s perfect astronomical alignment with the ancient Cocev Kamen rock observatory, as depicted above.(3) As with our ancestors, experiencing and aligning to the mysteries of the heavens can provide us a special glimpse into the greatness of our universe and the unseen forces behind it.

Cancer — the watery sign of the crab is ruled by the Moon and associated with the womb, security, family, and balancing our inner versus outer world. With the Cancer Sun’s initiation of summer, we can find ourselves wanting to get outdoors to play and spend time with family and friends, often near or in water. Since the fiery Sun purifies and water cleanses, we can embrace these warm summer months as a time to purify and cleanse our spirit. Immersing ourselves in large bodies of water and letting the liquid light of the Sun wash away  stagnant pent-up energy caused by spending too much time indoors will deeply invigorate us.

By honoring this season of creation, we can embrace a renewed and conscious awakening consciousness. Get outdoors and share and rejoice in the ever-giving gift of warmth and inspiration that the Sun bestows to each of us during this season.  

Key Cancer New Moon Themes: the womb, motherhood, women, feminine, emotional security, early conditioning, family and domestic priorities, intuitive, nurturing, protective of others, feelings, moody (crabby), tenacious, enjoys the water

1. The Summer Solstice typically occurs on the 20th or 21st and occasionally (albeit rarely) on the 22nd.
2. In the Southern Hemisphere June 20 is the shortest day of the year and December 21 is the longest.
3. Cocev Kamen is a megalithic observatory located in Kokino, Macedonia and is ranked by NASA as the 4th in age, behind Abu Simbel in Egypt, Stonehenge in Great Britain, and Angkor Vat in Cambodia. 

© 2022 by Linda Kaye

Buddha and the Blood Moon Eclipse

Buddha and the Blood Moon Eclipse

Sunday, May 15, 2022
9:14 p.m. PDT
25°17′ Scorpio

Better a single day of life seeing the reality of
 arising and passing away than a hundred years
of existence remaining blind to it.
~ The Buddha

The second eclipse of 2022 will be visible in much of North America, parts of South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Asia. From beginning to end it will last approximately five hours.

Blood Moons are typically considered rare events as they only occur during a Total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. The last one occurred in May 2021, the next will be in November of 2022 (two this year!), and we won’t see another until September of 2024. The red hues of a Blood Moon can take on many shades due to the Earth blocking the light of the Sun. Lunar–Solar cycles such as this one have the potential to heighten and awaken the mystical in our life.

This Blood Moon Eclipse is considered a potent and spiritually auspicious eclipse as people all over the world celebrate Buddha’s birth and enlightenment. It was during the Moon’s Full phase in Scorpio that Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree over 2,500 years ago and obtained Nirvana.1 The sign of the Scorpion encourages each of us to embrace the mysteries of death and renewal and the overall impermanence of human life.

Every single moment we are undergoing birth and death.
This is the way things are. ~ The Buddha

The Moon moves into Scorpio on Saturday (May 15) at 3:34 a.m. (PDT) and will enter its exact eclipse totality on Sunday at 9:14 p.m. Besides the earthly cycles of life and death, this Scorpio eclipse can reveal empowerment, betrayal, and abandonment dynamics, possessions, other people’s money, sexuality, secrets, taboos, passion — and most importantly — the desire for deep internal transformative renewal of one’s current state of reality.

As a water sign, Scorpio represents our emotional realm, and most specifically, our deep subconscious — often referred to as the “underworld” by native shamans. This Full Moon Eclipse has the potential to unexpectedly shine a probing light into your emotional psyche encouraging long-overdue transformation. Therefore, if you desire change, you will want to embrace this powerful eclipse and open to the many opportunities to transmute your life.

Change is the natural byproduct of impermanence and can be invigorating and restorative. Change can be both positive and negative: even when restorative, it can involve loss. Grief arises when we’ve loved and placed great value in something or someone. Therefore, impermanence and loss provide an opportunity to recognize and appreciate how deeply we were able to love.

Lastly, a Mars–Neptune conjunction in the sign of Pisces is supporting our spiritual aspirations (Pisces) during this eclipse and the ancient sages believed that the days just before and after eclipses were a time for meditation and learning. Therefore, you’ll want to embrace these potent energies to deepen and/or begin a new spiritual quest and practice. 

Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse Key Words: transformation and transmutation, renewal, fate, secrets, illumination, power dynamics, sexuality, possessions, compulsion, defensive, resistance to change, impermanence (death & rebirth)

1. In the practice of Buddhism, Nivana is the transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the individual is released from the effects of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth.

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The 2022 Eclipses
The Sun–Moon Lunation Cycle

© 2022 by Linda Kaye


Liberating Change with the Taurus Solar Eclipse

Liberating Change with the Taurus Solar Eclipse

10°28′ Taurus
Saturday, April 30, 2022
1:28 pm pacific time
Visible from South America, Antarctica, and the Pacific/Southern Oceans

We are LOVE, we are from LOVE, and to LOVE we shall return. 
~ Nicolya Christi

April 30 marks the first eclipse of 2022, a partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus. Eclipses generally occur in pairs within two weeks of one another and each pair of eclipses typically take place twice a year. The second eclipse of this pair occurs on May 15 — a Total Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. The second pair of eclipses will occur in late October and early November. All four of this year’s eclipses will occur on the Taurus—Scorpio destiny points (the nodal-axis of the Moon).

The Astrological destiny points revolve around our horoscopes, supporting our soul’s intentions and evolutionary growth. Since all four eclipses during 2022 will activate the signs associated with our inner–self — Taurus and Scorpio — we can each expect to experience a series of powerful internal shifts. The planet, Uranus, is also closely aligned with this year’s eclipses, especially this and the final eclipse in November.

Uranus is liberating and futuristic. It infuses us with the brilliant light of liberating awareness that will expand our personal future and the future of our planet. Coined by Astrologers as, The Great Awakener, Uranus is the universal harbinger of unprecedented change. It is the planet associated with the brain and, specifically, lightning–speed realizations, stimulating us like a probe to WAKE UP and liberate ourselves from our outmoded past.

Since Taurus and Scorpio are considered fixed signs, we may feel scared, challenged, and/or insecure at the thought of any needed adjustments. Change rarely feels comfortable and sometimes it just seems easier to remain in our known, predictable, and outmoded structures. However, it is much easier for us to embrace change rather than having the cosmic forces help us along with a swift kick, if you will.

Pay close attention to the revelations occurring in your life during this powerful eclipse as they are intended to guide and move you into your future. Eclipses can blatantly reveal old patterns that are no longer in alignment with your deepest values (Taurus). If there is inner uncertainty, this eclipse will encourage you to seek clarity so you can empower yourself to transform it.

Taurus is the earth sign most closely attuned to Mother Earth — the giver and sustainer of all life. Therefore, this is a great eclipse to honor and begin a practice of gratitude for the cosmic and earthly abundance that gives and supports our lives in every moment. Following is a beautiful and simple gratitude quote from Joe Dispenza that deeply inspires me, “Love life and life will love you back.”

The planet of love, Venus, rules this Taurus Eclipse. When associated with Taurus, Venus asks us to cultivate a loving relationship with our inner–self. During this eclipse, Venus is traveling through the sign of Pisces, accompanied by both of Pisces’s ruling planets — Jupiter and Neptune. Among other things, Jupiter signifies expansion, philosophy, and beliefs and Neptune is associated with healing and the intended culmination of anything that is preventing us from aligning with our true nature — love.

Expect this Eclipse, and for that matter the entire year, to bring about inner revelations about how you love yourself and love others. Most importantly, if you currently believe that your security comes from external resources then now is an excellent time to contemplate and initiate new intentions for the following:

    • To appreciate beauty and the finer things in life without a desired need to possess or own.
    • To display self-worth that radiates inner security regardless of my financial status.
    • To honor and nurture my individual gifts and values.
    • To love myself unconditionally.

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© 2022 by Linda Kaye


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