by Linda Kaye | Dec 3, 2014 | 2014, 2015, 2016, Current Astro News
Dec. 23, 2014 – Dec. 19, 2017
From June 14 through Sept. 17, 2015 Saturn retrogrades back into Scorpio.
Saturn is often referred to as “The Lord of Karma” or “The Great Malefic” and sometimes “The Task Master,” all of which can provoke feelings of pessimism and negativity. Rarely are Saturn’s countless hidden gifts emphasized upon first contemplating this great planet’s Astrological significations.
Saturn is the planet that represents structure, social-political systems and authority, as well as the awareness of time and karma. He is the harbinger of the blatant recognition of a long standing way of life that is no longer serving us. With Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius we will find ourselves investing time to restructure the area of our lives reflected by the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius represents matters involving the ideals in our lives that create personal meaning and the understanding behind them. It is associated with the natural laws of living; education, philosophy, religion and publications; what we give intrinsic meaning to; individuation or expansion of consciousness; exploration and freedom; dogma, self-righteousness and belief systems; optimism and joy; initiations into esoteric wisdom, gurus and teachers. Saturn will bring awareness and a need for dynamic change—individually as well as collectively—to any or all of these Sagittarian qualities.
Saturn in Sagittarius will bring awareness of outmoded belief structures and encourage a commitment to finding the truth. We will find our personal and collective ideals change during this time. Many of these changes will come about in the realm of education, religion and political scandals. There will likely be archeological and space discoveries that will also challenge our past beliefs and simultaneously expand our consciousness.
You will feel inspired to seek experiential awareness, develop or expand your vocational skills and possibly seek a new life path. Additionally, the quest for purposeful and joyful meaning will be highlighted during this period. This is especially true for Sagittarians because Saturn will transit directly over your Sun. If you are between the ages of 28-30 or 56-59 you are experiencing or about to experience your Saturn return, a major maturation and turning point in one’s life.
Mindful awareness is required at the onset of a significant Saturn transit and we are encouraged to use integrity in all our dealings throughout its duration. The Saturnian journey often leads us into solemn periods of reflection where we may find ourselves feeling dejected, disillusioned and thwarted to move into the future we desire. Simultaneously, Saturn can promote new career heights, responsibilities and leadership recognition. If we consciously embrace Saturn’s wise teachings we can emerge with unexpected treasures and a more dynamic and productive life.
Saturnian transits and aspects bring us to a crossroads and provide opportunities to hasten our evolution. They usher in a profound time period, which if embraced, can ultimately bring great wisdom, a deeper meaning to life and awareness of self, maturation, humility and freedom by releasing that which no longer serves us.
Related Saturn Article:
The Saturn Return in Sagittarius
Copyright 2014 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Dec 1, 2014 | 2015, 2016, Current Astro News
The Planetary Time Indicator of Change
Dec. 23, 2014 – June 14, 2015 and Sept. 17, 2015 – Dec. 19, 2017
The planet Saturn begins its journey through your Astrological horoscope at the moment of your birth. Its complete cycle through the zodiac and the 12 houses of your Astrological chart takes roughly 29 years. The Saturn Return occurs when Saturn passes through the sign it was in at the time of your birth and will be in affect for approximately two-and-a-half years. You will expereince the Saturn Return twice in your life, typically around age 28-30 and again at 56-59. If you were born during 1987 – 1989 or 1956 – 1959 you were born with Saturn in Sagittarius and are currently experiencing your first or second Saturn Return.
When Saturn returns to its natal position in your chart you will undergo one of the most intense maturation periods of your life. In general, Saturn Returns are precursors to strong and sometimes painful yearnings for change. During this period you will be divinely guided to relinquish anything in your life that does not support your future life goals and purpose. You may find yourself feeling compelled to prioritize your objectives and activities so you can make the best use of your abilities for the next 29.5 years.
This can be a very stressful and trying time because the security of the past is familiar and safe, whereas the future is still unformed and therefore uncertain. Among many things, Saturn represents karma, responsibility and accountability. This will be a critical time requiring you to act with extreme integrity.
The Saturn Return brings about endings and new beginnings. The universe will unveil unhealthy and incongruent living and working conditions that can no longer be tolerated. This recognition can bring about enormous change, which may at times feel completely out of your control.
If you resist your personal nature and desires during your Saturn Return, the next 29.5 years could bring much suffering. If you willingly embrace Saturn’s courageous force then the transformation you make during this period can bring long term stability and future security.
Related Article:
Saturn in Sagittarius
Click here to schedule your Astrological session and learn how to harness the power of your own Saturn Return in a way that best serves your soul’s evolutionary journey.
Copyright 2014 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Oct 21, 2014 | 2014, Archived Astro News
Transformation & the Scorpio Solar Eclipse
Oct. 23, 2014, 2:56 p.m. PDT
00 degrees and 24 minutes
This is a partial eclipse and will be visible in North America, Eastern Asia and the Northeastern Pacific Ocean.
If you are finding yourself immersed in an underworld of
internal struggles, or just needing to transform an important
area of your life, this solar eclipse is the time to seek
assistance for making the changes you desire.
Because it occurs in the first degree of Scorpio, this solar eclipse is sure to initiate something new in your life. The first degree of a zodiac sign denotes new beginnings and in Scorpio it becomes super-charged with transformational potency. Therefore, let go of all that has grown stagnant and outmoded in your life and embrace the known and unknown of your future.
This will be a powerful eclipse for all of us, but especially for those who have Scorpio planets in their horoscope. Scorpio is feminine in nature and symbolizes the element of water. Its spiritual essence is symbolized by the divine shakti—energy and power—which is recognized as the many faces of the divine feminine. In the Hindu tradition the divine shakti is known as the divine mother, the universal creator, destroyer of evil and sustainer of all life. Her many faces are acknowledged as Kali, Durga, and the only female companion of Lord Shiva—Parvati. The divine union of Shiva and Parvati is symbolic of the powerful merger of equality between the sacred feminine and masculine.
Powerful psychic energies give birth to new information as the light of the luminaries darken during an eclipse.Once an eclipse is complete you are presented with an opportunity for rebirth.An eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are in alignment with the nodal axis of the Moon. Astrologically, the nodal axis points represent destiny, and in the horoscope they are the points that define your own personal destiny.With this New Moon solar eclipse occurring in the sign of Scorpio we are being called to use our natural talents with transformative passion and integrity.
Just as eclipses create a temporary shadow, you too, may find yourself uncovering previously (Scorpionic) buried emotions that need to be acknowledged and honored. During this eclipse it is important to embrace the mysteries of death and rebirth, personal power themes, security, possessions, other people’s money, passion, sexuality and deep internal transformations.
Astrologers have studied eclipses and their effects since the Babylonian Era and have found that they often coincide with earth changes, political upheavals and modern stock market fluctuations. With the advent of external events, eclipses can become powerful indicators of needed change in our personal lives.
The ancient sages felt that eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between earth and the heavens is thinner during an eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence. The energies of an eclipse can be felt a few days before and after an eclipse.
Copyright 2014 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Oct 5, 2014 | 2014, Archived Astro News
Wednesday, Oct. 8 – 3:50 am PT
Fifteen degrees – Twenty-nine minutes of Aries
This total lunar eclipse will be visible to observers before dawn in the Americas and will last 59 minutes.
“The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.” ~Steve Maraboli
Astrologers have studied eclipses and their effects since the Babylonian Era and have found that they often coincide with earth changes, political upheavals and modern stock market fluctuations. With the advent of external events, eclipses can become powerful indicators of needed change in our personal lives.
As the moon represents cycles, lunar eclipses are a time to look at what is no longer working in our lives, and initiate the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. This will be true for all of us, but especially for those who have Aires or Libra planets in their horoscope because these are the two zodiacal signs in which the lunar eclipses occur. You can expect a lunar eclipse to maintain an influence in your life for as long as it takes for you to resolve the emotional dynamics that it produced.
Mars is the ruling planet of this eclipse in Aries and is creating a grand fire trine with Jupiter and the Moon. Uranus – the planet representing change – along with Venus – Aphrodite’s planet of love – are also closely aligned. These planetary dynamics are creating a favorable time to question your intimate relationship dynamics. Expect this period to reveal inner revelations where change is needed in the area of love. How do you love yourself and how do you love others? And, are you in a state of balance between the two? This eclipse may encourage you to make changes that align with your ability to truly love yourself. As the eclipses create a temporary shadow, you may also find yourself uncovering previously buried emotions that need to be honored so you can express self-love and love towards others in a balanced, healthy and authentic manner.
Eclipses help you to create shifts in your life and encourage you to let go of old patterns that no longer serve you. Eclipses work on three levels: personal, collective and ultimately, the integration of both. Where there is inner uncertainty, an eclipse will encourage you to seek clarity. If you are finding yourself immersed in an underworld of internal struggles or just needing to make change in an important area of your life, this lunar eclipse is the time to ask for assistance in making the changes you desire. Pay close attention to the revelations occurring during this eclipse period, as what was previously hidden gives way to the light.
The ancient sages felt that Eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between earth and the heavens is thinner during an eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence.
The energies of an eclipse can be felt a few days before and after an eclipse. Eclipses always occur in pairs. The second, a partial Solar Eclipse, will occur on October 23, 2014 during the New Moon in Scorpio.
Copyright 2014 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Oct 1, 2014 | 2014, Archived Astro News
Mercury Retrograde and the October Eclipses
Oct 5-25
Pre-shadow period begins Sept 13 thru Oct 4, 2014
Retrograde begins at 10:02 am on Oct 5 (2 degrees and 15 mins of Scorpio)
Turns direcct at 12:15 pm on Oct 24 (16 degrees of and 51 minutes of Libra)
Completes post-shadow period from Oct 25 to Nov 10
Take special note of this Mercury retrograde because it closely aligns with the October Eclipses. As it begins its retrogration at 2 degrees of Scorpio it will make it’s second pass over the Solar Eclipse point of 0 degrees Scorpio and then over the Lunar Eclipse point of 15 degrees Libra before turning direct again at 16 degrees of Libra and once again passing over the 0 degree Scorpio point for the third time, wow!
What does all this mean exactly? To summarize, it will be an opportune time to look at our relationship to self and others as well as embracing opportunitites of transformation so we can inititate and live healthy and authentic lives.
In general, Mercury is the planet that astrologically represents travel, communication and our thought processes. Known as the Messenger of the Gods, Mercury’s role is to speedily deliver clear and precise information. Retrograding 3-4 times a year, when the planetary trickster strikes, many of our daily activities go haywire.
Mercury also rules electronics and is often blamed for all types of technical mishaps with cell phones, electric devices and computers, warranting an important time to backup your computer files. In general terms, machines of all kinds tend to act strangely and take on a Murphy’s Law theme.
Remain flexible and prepare for delays and miscommunications of all kinds.It is best to avoid signing any contractual agreements as matters begun during Mercury retrograde periods tend to take unexpected twists and turns in the future. During Mercury retrograde periods we often find ourselves revisiting past projects or situations that once again need our attention. It is also a time period, however, when we often hear from or feel compelled to reach out to old friends or lovers whom we haven’t spoken to in some time.
Although Mercury retrograde periods may seem frustrating at times, they provide opportunities to review or finish up old projects, contact old friends or clean out the closet and garage. It’s an opportune time for introspection and deep thought.
This Mercury Retrograde along with the powerful October Eclipses are emphasizing new beginnings with a focus on personal transformation and authentic relationship to self and others.
Past 2014 Mercury Retrograde Dates
June 7 – July 1
Pre-shadow period begins May 22 thru Jun 7
Retrograde begins at 4:57 am on June 8 (3 degrees and 07 minutes of Cancer)
Moves into ruling sign of Gemini on Jun 17
Turns direct at 5:50 am on July 1 (24 degrees of and 22 minutes of Gemini)
Completes post-shadow period from July 1 to July 15
Feb 6 – Feb 28
Pre-shadow period begins Jan 22 thru Feb 6, 2014
Retrograde begins at 6:53 pm on Feb 6 (3 degrees and 19 minutes of Pisces)
Turns direct at 6:01 am on Feb 28 (18 degrees of and 9 minutes of Aquarius)
Completes post-shadow period from Feb 28 to March 20
Copyright 2014 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Sep 6, 2014 | 2014, Archived Astro News
Harvest Super Full Moon in Pisces
Monday, September 8, 2014, 6:38 p.m. PT
16 degrees and 19 minutes of Pisces
New and Full Moons, equinoxes and solstices–as well as other significant celestial events–provide us an opportunity to consciously embrace powerful universal energies. This year’s Harvest Moon is also the final Super Moon this summer. Super Moons are known by Astronomers as Perigee Moons and occur when the Moon is at its closest point to Earth. Because of their close proximity to the Earth, they can appear as much as 14 percent larger in the sky and 30 percent brighter to our eyes than normal moons.
A Harvest Moon occurs when the Full Moon is closest to the Fall Equinox. A Harvest Moon calls us to cultivate supportive sustainable partnership in new and create ways. It reminds us to honor our most primal basic relationship – our relationship with Gaia. The harvesting of our bounty cannot occur unless we are in right relationship with the mother that sustains us.
Astrologically, the light of a Full Moon illuminates the area of our life symbolized by the zodiac sign in which it falls. Pisces is the mystical sign representing union–the unending quest of humankind to merge with divine. This Piscean search for union can permeate our waking and dreaming reality. When the Moon falls in the sign of Pisces, your waking world can become dreamy and surreal. The veils between the earthly and spirit realms become very thin under a Pisces influence and are an excellent time to seek and merge with the sacredness of your higher self—the divine that exists within.
Full Moons always occur when the Moon is in opposition to the Sun. The Sun will be in Virgo during this Full Moon emphasizing the Piscean-Virgo theme of healing. Both these signs are sensitive to environmental toxins and promote purification and integration of body-mind-spirit. Pisces and Virgo are mutable signs indicating they are flexible with change. Take advantage of this restorative Full Moon and create new routines that allow for daily meditation and healthier ways of living.
Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac and can encourage culmination in one or more areas of your life. During this transitional time on our planet, each of us is being asked to heal and relinquish patterns associated with old ways of being. Therefore, even the most difficult culminations will serve your highest good as they simultaneously prevent unnecessary crises and suffering when change is resisted. Embrace and honor the wisdom of fluidity that this Full Moon is granting and dream new and exciting visions into your future.
“When you de-identify from your past, it will no longer exercise power over you. The past is still the past, but you’re no longer identified with it. It may even be a source of inspiration and understanding that you can use, when necessary, but it stops draining your energy and awareness. The past no longer steals away your presence. However, this is only possible when you are in harmony with your past.” –Sri Prem Baba
Pisces Full Moon Key Words: Dreamtime, Intuition, Suffering, Healing or Healing Crises, Flexibility, Culmination, Union with Divine.
Go outdoors under the light of this powerful Harvest Moon and celebrate!
Honor your bounty and give thanks during this season of gratitude.
Copyright 2014 by Linda Kaye