by Linda Kaye | Aug 26, 2012 | 2012, Archived Astro News
Monday, October 29, 2012, 12:48 p.m. PT
This month’s Full Moon occurs at Six degrees of Taurus with its planetary ruler—Venus in a stressful opposition aspect to Uranus—the outer planet that signifies hurricanes. This Full Moon is also making an opposition aspect to Saturn at the MC point of the Full Moon horoscope which indicates government officials—most specifically presidents. Additionally, Mercury is currently in its shadow period before turning retrograde on November 7. Astrologically, these powerful aspects are pointing to unexpected Uranian and Mecurial disruptions that have the potential to affect the outcome and duration of the upcoming presidential election.
Individually, Full Moons illuminate the subconscious realms of the human psyche and highlight the areas symbolized by the zodiac signs and planetary aspects. Taurus represents the material and spiritual realms. From a material perspective it is the sign that correlates security with survival – what brings us security, or allows us to feel secure, will promote our survival. When the Moon is in Taurus, we can find ourselves wanting to enjoy and relax within the sensual and material realms that we have created. Spiritually, Taurus represents the divine and sacred mysteries. Taurus is ruled by the inner side of Venus marking this an auspicious time to turn inward and focus on one’s connection with self and the divine spark within.
As mentioned above—Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus and especially important for this month’s Full Moon because it is in an opposition point to the planet Uranus until November 21. Take this opportunity to question your intimate relationship dynamics. What do you truly value and how do you love others based on your values? Expect this period to bring about inner revelations about how you love yourself and love others. And, most importantly, focus on creating self-love and inner security, as the remainder of this year is sure to prove a potent test for those who believe that their security comes from external sources.
Lastly, Taurus is a feminine sign, and the Mayan elders tell us that during this final period of time during 2012 we must “Shift” our way of being from our minds to our hearts and cultivate loving relationships with the feminine, our inner self, one another and to our mother – GAIA. It is through love that the healing of ourselves, one another and our planet can occur.
The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely. –Carl Jung
Upcoming Astrological Events
Scorpio Solar Eclipse
Copyright 2012 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Jul 10, 2012 | 2012, Archived Astro News
In the Creative and Passionate Sign of Leo
July 15 – August 9
12 degrees – 1 degree Leo
Has it been a little chaotic or intense for you as of late? Are you finding there are suddenly a lot of loose ends needing cleaned up? Do your relationships need more joy, passion and playfulness? Does your spiritual practice need uplifting? If so, Mercury— the “Comic Trickster”— might be able to help.
Mercury will be turning retrograde for the second time this year at 7:16 PDT this evening in the passionate creative loving sign of Leo and the Astrological 7th house of partnership and contractual agreements. Leo is the sign that rules the heart and your ability to creatively actualize passion in your life. The 7th house emphasizes peace, harmony and most importantly—balance between the feminine and masculine, and our ability to give and receive love.
Mercury Retrograde periods can cause technical problems with cell phones and computers; delays, frustrations, and mix-ups of all kinds and is typically not a good time to sign contractual agreements. It is also the time during the year when old friends or lovers reach out to us in some way. Mercury rules communication and while retrograding in the fiery sign of Leo, romance and passion may be the topic of conversation. Passion can be utilized in positive or negative ways. Use your passion during this Mercury period to creatively actualize your hearts desires. Be conscious of the quality of the relationships you are creating and your ability to give and receive love.
Leo also rules the Sun in Astrology and our Sun is currently experiencing an unprecedented metamorphosis. It is expanding and becoming hotter than ever, as the intensity of increased solar flare activity is confirming. Spiritual teachings worship the Sun as the planet that bestows awakening—enlightenment. The changes occurring with our central star are a mere reflection of the spiritual changes occurring within each of us as all life forms on our planet are rapidly shifting to new levels of consciousness during this important year—2012. Stay focused during this Mercury retrograde on your heart and be a conscious, awakened messenger for peace, love and harmony.
Copyright 2012 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Jun 4, 2012 | 2012, Archived Astro News
Monday, June 4, 4:11:33 a.m. PT
14 Degrees – 13 Minutes of Sagittarius
Visible in the Western U.S. and Canada
Just as astrologers anticipated, 2012 is proving to be an eventful year for the heavens! This month we are fortunate to experience the transformational energies of two important Eclipses—the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on June 4 and the Venus Eclipse to the Sun on June 5. Talk about a potent internal wake-up call—WOW! As you have experienced and know firsthand, Astrology is an effective tool for our evolutionary growth because it can provide practical self-guidance based on your soul’s destiny. That said, it is always important to point out that the planets or birth chart do not cause events to occur in our lives, rather they reflect our level of consciousness—or awareness of the stagnant patterns from which we wish to break free.
Awareness to your individual past patterning, as well as your soul’s current destiny, is one of the many gifts Astrology offers. When you feel stuck and not able to create movement in your life, you have likely become too comfortable with the security of past familiarity. Therefore, discomfort will become more intense in order to instigate movement into a new way of interacting in life. During important Eclipse periods such as this one, the universe is encouraging us to awaken to our individual and collective destinies.
The “Ring of Fire” Eclipse and current Venus Retrograde are emphasizing a need to understand our internal and external values and to realize that these values can propel us into happiness or misery. Gemini wants us to think and communicate with mindfulness since our thought processes create our reality. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is continuing with the theme of communication and an emphasis on truth versus belief. What are your individual beliefs at this moment in time? What stories have you created or fabricated about your reality? Are they reflecting your individual destiny—your truth? If yes, wonderful! If not, Eclipses are an opportunity to acknowledge that which no longer serves you so you can move into proper alignment with your innate wisdom—truth consciousness!
Eclipses bring about revelations on many levels collectively as well as individually. You also know from my previous Astro-Grams that Eclipse periods can bring about Earth changes– like last week’s earthquakes in Italy—as well as social-political issues that point to corruption, and less-than-honest public dealings, such as the current FaceBook insider trading debacle or the Wisconsin recall election. Be sure and keep a watchful eye on the upcoming primary in California occurring the day of the rare Venus Eclipse to the Sun!
The energies of an Eclipse can be felt a couple of days before and after an Eclipse. The ancient sages believed that Eclipses were a time for meditation and learning; a special time to honor the spiritual aspects of your life. Try to keep your schedule light, remain internally focused, eat only pure foods, and do not consume alcohol. The veil between Earth and the heavens is thinner during an Eclipse, allowing you to more easily connect to the eternal universal wisdom that is your divine essence.
Copyright 2012 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Jun 1, 2012 | 2014, 2015, Archived Astro News
2012 – 2015
Revolutionary Change & Social Political Transformation
Uranus in Aries Squares Pluto in Capricorn
“A great revolution in just one single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a society and, further, will enable a change in the destiny of humankind.” ~Daisaku Ikeda
Uranus in Aries is making it’s final of seven exact square aspects to Pluto in Capricorn in March (exact dates below). The science of Astrology is the study and observation of planetary cycles and history has revealed that the two slow-moving outer planets—Uranus and Pluto—coincide with unprecedented planetary change and social transformation.
Many Astrologers are predicting that this current series of Uranus-Pluto squares will echo the great depression, social political upheaval, and the technological advancements that occurred during the last 1932-1934 Uranus-Pluto square cycle.
Uranus is the futuristic planet associated with liberation, radical unprecedented change, revolutions, inventions, technology, and awakening. Pluto represents evolution, destruction, deep transformation, and regeneration. Uranus is in Aries—the “take-action” warrior archetype and Pluto is in Capricorn—the sign correlating with social political structures. These potent Uranian and Plutonian archtypal themes will enccourage complacent peoples of grossly imbalanced hierarchical goverments to “wake-up” and demand revolutionary change.
On an individual level these aspects are occurring somewhere within our horoscopes. Therefore, it points to deep internal and external change and transformation in that area. This is a significant and important time to look at the outmoded structures in your life and set intentions to take action and create radical change that will serve you in the future.
Pay special attention to this final culminating aspect as it is sure to be filled with potent revelations! Take this important opportunity in our history, to awaken, rebel against, and transform anything that does not bring liberation to yourself and all sentient beings. We are all being asked to tear down outmoded structures in our personal lives so we can transform individually and therefore collectively. This final culminating aspect will prove a powerful catalyst as we dismantle the barriers that have kept us stuck and unable to move forward. Many of us dislike change and this potent energy is certainly bound to feel uncomfortable at times. For this reason, it can be helpful to remember that Uranus is futuristic in nature and creates iluuminating awareness, thereby expanding our own personal future and the future of our planet. Embrace this final cycle as an important opportunity to transform and create the necessary change for yourself and all life on our beautiful planet.
- Uranus square Pluto June 6-July 9, 2012
- Uranus square Pluto September 18-October 1, 2012
- Uranus square Pluto May 15-Jun 1, 2013
- Uranus square Pluto Apex Point October 17-November 15, 2013
- Uranus square Pluto April 12-29, 2014
- Uranus square Pluto November 26-December 27, 2014
- Uranus square Pluto March 11-28, 2015
Click Here to Schedule your 2017 Astrological Consultation.
Copyright 2015 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | Jun 1, 2012 | 2012, Archived Astro News
June 5, 6:00 p.m. PDT
15 Degrees and 44 Minutes of Gemini
The entire transit will last six-hours and thirty- one minutes and will be visible from eastern Asia, eastern Australia, New Zealand and the western Pacific, as well as Alaska, northern Canada and almost all of Greenland.
The May 20 “Ring of Fire” Solar Eclipse was a spectacular astronomical event that left viewers in awe of our solar system’s cycles. 2012—a year chock full of Astro-symbolism—will provide mystical seekers with the rare opportunity to experience the upcoming planet of love, Venus, as she passes over the planet of light—our Central Sun.
This rare phenomenon which last occurred in 2004 hadn’t occurred prior in over 120 years. She will not transit over the Sun again until 2017. These important Venus transits come approximately every 121 years and then occur in pairs with eight years separation. They always begin around the end of May or beginning of June (Gemini) and then in November or beginning of December (Sagittarius). The first of the current pair occurred on June 8, 2004, at 17 Gemini 53. Similar to a Solar Eclipse, Venus will move across the face of the Sun and block light from the Sun to Earth whereby Venus will appear as a black spot moving across the Sun.
The timing of the current Venus Eclipse is considered important because it coincides with the ending of the Mayan Calendar. In my 2012 presentation I detail how Mayan mythology indicates that 2012 will be an evolutionary leap for all life forms within our entire solar system. This evolutionary leap is referred to by Mayan elders as “The Shift of the Ages.”
The Venus Eclipse in Gemini finds its ruler Mercury also in his ruling sign of Gemini. Mercury is the only God that was granted access to the heavenly and earthly realms, as well as the underworld. This Mercurial Greek mythology is quite mysterious when we consider that the ancient Mayans referred to the Center of our Milky Way Galaxy as their underworld and the Gateway of the Gods. The underworld in Mayan mythology was considered to be their “road to awe” because they believed that death was in fact the transition to life.
Venus was intrinsically sacred to the Mayans, and they believed she was the companion to the Sun. The Sun is worshiped in spiritual practices and is considered to be the vehicle to enlightenment. The Mayans both revered and feared Venus. They built temples aligned to key phases in her cycle whereby they calculated and watched for the return of “the bringer of light”—their Sun God Quetzalcoatl. In fact, the return of Quetzalcoatl is expected by the Mayans during 2012. Among other things, Quetzalcoatl also represents the savior of humanity and integration of opposites, and many today refer to him as the bringer of Christ consciousness.
Each of us in our own way is experiencing Quetzalcoatl’s return as we become aware of the “Christ consciousness” or light within. We are shifting our perceptions of the divine and realizing that divinity does not exist solely outside of us as something or someone to be worshiped; rather, it is eternally present within all of life and simultaneously waiting to be acknowledged and awakened. In many spiritual teachings, such as the Mayan’s, the Sun’s domain is to help awaken humanity. In fact there is now daily evidence of unprecedented change occurring on our Central Sun during this time period. As our Sun goes through this great evolutionary universal change our very DNA is being altered and we are all changing and growing spiritually.
OUR WORLD IS CHANGING AND SO ARE WE! Based on past Venus-Sun eclipses, many are presenting this transit as a harbinger of fear inducing Earth changes. My previous article on the Lunar Eclipse describes how these cosmic energies deliver opportunities to break free from past conditioning and patterns. We are innately joyful beings and our future does not have to be a recurrence of past conditioning and unconscious actions.
Venus is the planet of love, peace, harmony and balance. While transiting through the sign of Gemini we are encouraged to seek balance and bring conscious Sun-light to all our thought processes and communications. Additionally, the Sun rules the heart and therefore I feel Gregg Braden’s below quote bears repeating during this rare and special transit, “The physical world is a reflection of our love and fears. If we conquer our fears only then will we be free. Catastrophes cannot occur if we are vibrating love.”
Copyright 2012 by Linda Kaye
by Linda Kaye | May 16, 2012 | 2012, Archived Astro News
May 16-June 26 – 23 degrees of Gemini
Venus is the only planet (besides the Sun and Moon) that doesn’t turn retrograde several times a year. Instead, Venus turns retrograde only once every 548 or so days and will be transiting somewhere in your Astrological horoscope. This marks a significant period for all individuals on Earth because it will correlate to a period of time during which you will be inclined to reexamine and reflect on the overall nature of your reality.
Relationships, commitments, and finances will likely be on your radar screen now. During the Venus retrograde period you will find yourself reassessing matters of the heart and how you are managing your resources. The intention is to become aware of dynamics and circumstances that are no longer needed for your desired future. Anything that is counterproductive to your higher purpose or heartfelt destiny should become clear during this period encouraging you to take action when Venus turns direct on June 26.
Current intimate relationships may find one or both partners questioning how they feel about the relationship and wondering if their love or commitment is authentic. This Venus retrograde occurs in the sign of Gemini and is making a beautiful aspect to Saturn in Libra—the sign of balance within partnership. This energetic dynamic will provide an opportunity to communicate and discuss what is working in your relationships and to commit, recommit, or make necessary changes where needed. This signature also applies to our social and business relationships. Gemini is a mutable and therefore a flexible sign which lends itself to practical resolution.
Venus retrograde periods can bring past lovers into our lives or those we are karmically destined to be with. This is an important time to be clear in all your communications regarding commitments and financial decisions. Those of you with Gemini planets in your horoscopes are sure to feel the effects of Aphrodite’s planet the most during this period. That said, we can all expect to find ourselves reflecting on the overall nature of our reality. What do you need or not need? How are you communicating those needs and values?
Watch for my important and upcoming article on the May 20 Solar Eclipse.